February 22, 2012

up in the air

this last fall when michael could have been applying to grad school
he decided he didn't want to
and would most likely take a full time job
with the company he's been interning at for the last 2.5 years
this last week
michael got an official job offer from the company 
that was a bit lower than we anticipated
and not enough to hold us here in pullman
so we're re-evaluating our options
he is still able to apply to the colleges he was considering 
if he does it really soon
so he is
but if that doesn't work out
he'll need to find a job
and all of this needs to happen by may
when he graduates
so while we thought we were all settled
and would be living here for a few more years
we probably won't be
and while we thought we were done with the student life
we might not be
and that means we have no idea where we'll be
with our four kids in just over two months
ha ha ha ha.... nervous laughing
so i'm not too anxious to have this baby
no matter how giant or uncomfortable i am
because everything is so unsettled
and i can in no way feel ready for her
but i know it will all work out
and we are happy
and blessed
and at least i do know that we'll be here for a couple more months
 and we won't be moving right before we have a baby..


Kate Clayton said...

Being a grown up is tough. We have some big life decisions coming our way too. If I think too much about it, it makes me a little crazy. I just can't imagine Pullman without the Olson's but then again we won't be here either. Weird! I am going to miss you guys!!!

The Asay's said...

It's so good to have great neighbors.We will miss you guys as neighbors that's for sure. I hope everything works out soon for you guys.

Monica said...

What an adventure! I know it must be stressful not knowing where you are going to be, but it's so good that you keep the perspective that you are so blessed and will be ok wherever you end up. (I hope it's in Seattle:)

Ashley said...

I concur with Kate! I greatly dislike grownup decisions! I am excited for you though!Hang in there!

andre'a said...

i like the nervous laughing the best...

andre'a said...

and not fuh nuthin' (Connie) but pregnancy is a very good look for you.

andre'a said...

French, I'm so sorry that things aren't more settled for you. I wish they were. But maybe Heavenly Father is just trying to bless you in some other way...you know?

Marie said...

Just remember that we always seem to end up exactly where we need to be, even if it isn't exactly the way we plan it! There are great things in store for the Olson Family!:)

miriam said...

I keep thinking someday we'll have our life figured out... but I don't think we ever will, will we? good luck with everything!

Unknown said...

That is too bad that the job didn't work out. Whatever happens it will be for the best though I am sure. I know exactly how you are feeling, I am definitely not ready for baby. Way too much up in the air, here is hoping we can both get some questions answered soon!