September 6, 2011

noah and hazel's room

this isn't their whole room
just one wall, really
but we recently got a sweet
ten dollar dresser at a garage sale
that we (michael) painted gray
with our paint sprayer
 this wall is a mish-mash of every piece of art
that i hadn't been hanging because
 there wasn't a place
but it seems to fit together
and belong on their wall
it includes some pictures,
a painting of noah's
just this and that
 and another picture of the dresser
i'm happy with the improvements
other than the fact that i want their dresser
for our room..


The Asay's said...

That dresser turned out so cute. I love the color.

The Cornett Family said...

I love it! I was just catching up on your posts, and your family is just so cute! Hazel in Ballet, Noah in school (I would totally be "that mom" too, and I don't have pregnant hormones to blame!), Olive and walking with TONS of hair!! So cute! I hope you're feeling better, or that you will soom if you're not already!

Monica said...

You have SUCH a gift! I wish I could do it myself ~ or use your talent to decorate my house (maybe when I'm rich and famous).