August 28, 2011

two bike crashes in two days

on thursday morning
michael got in a bike accident
he was doing a u-turn
and we think his handlebars were
loose because they turned way too far
and now when they're straight
his wheel is at a 90 degree angle
his face got scraped
and glasses broke
his lense even popped out onto the street
 the back of his leg got all scraped up
 his shoulder

 scraped hands
and a possible break on his right pinkie
 then yesterday noah was riding his bike
around the parking lot
something he does for hours a day
somehow he lost control
and he fell on his face
he went to the ER because his lip bled really bad
as well as his teeth
at the ER they said he didn't need stitches
and that he didn't have a concussion though he was 
complaining of dizziness
then he vomited all over
and fell asleep 2 seconds later
so they let him sleep for a little bit
then woke him up to clean him up
he fell right back asleep
and then woke up to vomit again
they determined he did have a concussion
and they did a CT scan
which looked good
but after 4 hours in the ER
by the time Michael brought Noah home
we put him straight to bed
and had to wake him up all night
to check on him
and this morning he has a loose tooth
it's crazy both of them got in bike crashes
within two days of each other
but we're so glad we've always worn helmets
so the injuries weren't worse 
and hopefully they will heal soon
i'm pretty sure we will need picture re-takes
since noah has picture day this next week..


Brooks and Heather Lively said...

Oh no! His poor face! I'm glad everything turned out okay and wasn't worse. You guys must be exhausted today after such a long night. Let us know if we can do anything for you!

Kate Clayton said...

Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. Poor Michael and Noah. I hope they both are feeling better. I'm so glad you took Noah in. Let me know if I can do anything.

Natalie Smith said...

Your poor boys. They are pretty beat up. I hope the rest of the weekend is better and bike free ;)

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Wow! Poor guys :( I'm glad neither one were seriously hurt... though they look like they still got pretty beat up :( I hope they feel better soon, and there are no more bike accidents!

Lyd Stew said...

Wow! That is quite the "series of unfortunate events!" So sorry about your boys getting hurt! Best wishes!

Marilou said...

:( Poor guys! I hope they recover fast!

Aimee said...

Poor guys.... I cringed at the pictures ......poor Noahs face

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Poor Noah! And Michael! Goodness, I am glad that the injuries weren't worse!

Monica said...

That is so sad! Poor guys. Nice that you look on the bright side that they were wearing their helmets. Ouch anyway, though.

Christie said...

scary! I hope everyone's doing better today. that is good you always wear helmets - I don't understand why some people don't.

Unknown said...

This is just so sad. I hope Noah and Michael are on the mend, especially Noah he just looks so miserable.

andre'a said...

French, that's TERRIBLE! I'm so sorry.

Laurel said...

So so sad! :( One of my kids busted his face and had two loose teeth. My doctor told us to leave them alone and they would go back to normal. I hope your boys heal quickly!