July 8, 2011

my growing heart

i'm not really emotional
i usually blame it on the fact that i got 
divorced while pregnant
some emotions will never return
but lately i keep feeling my heart grow
first, church on sunday with my whole family
other than my sick-at-home husband
i totally cried
thinking of my family
and my journey these last 5 years
then, olive turning one
that one hurts my heart
i've never been so sad to watch my baby grow
i don't know why but with her
 i just want things to stay the same
i want her to be little for a while longer
then watching hazel at her first dance class
my heart seriously grew 
i felt it
i wanted to do dance my whole life
ballet specifically
but despite my sisters being in dance
and some 4 (or so) year old pleading
my mom didn't put me in it
so i've looked forward to the day
my daughter would at least try it
even for a day, and it came
and she loved it
a little girl in a leotard and ballet shoes
is seriously the cutest thing ever
then noah, he told me i'm sweet today
and he told michael he wants to always be
 best friends
and today i heard him singing
 a flight of the conchords song
to the tune of a weezer song
and it swelled my heart
i love that he likes my music
and he sings country roads like no other
i'm just happy
healing, and happy

ps. this is my 3rd grade picture
notice i'm wearing a leotard for it
i thought it was pretty
my sister makes fun of me still for it
she's been laughing since the day i brought it home
in my defense
 the picture was taken post recess


Shirley said...

Thanks for opening your heart to us. You a wonderful person. You are a great mom.

Kate Clayton said...

I love that picture! Darling! You are such a sweet mom!

Monica said...

That is the saddest, sweetest thing! i'm sorry you never got to do dance, but just so you know, ballet sucks.

Heather Lively said...

I think this blog post is pretty cute. You are such a good mom with such a cute little family! I love it! Also... that picture is pretty much the best. I love the leotard. (Leotard might be the worst name for anything ever invented. Am I right?)

Monica said...

I think unitard is worse.

Natalie Smith said...

Great thoughts. Mommy heart swells are interesting things...I have been experiencing them lately too. Children and family are the best. Lucky for us...they are FOREVER :-)

Mommy Moreno said...

awwwwww! i love your blog. you have an amazing heart & a wonderful family.

Anonymous said...

pretty sure that sister wasn't laughing all the way since your third grade year. hm. I think she was just feeling like you looked unloved or something.

andre'a said...

you dance your heart out, ballerina! wasn't it great to be all together again??? i just love you!