May 10, 2011

i've been sewing...and crafting

i made a spring wreath for our front door
i wrapped a styrofoam wreath in burlap
and added a felt flower
using hot glue

here's a summer shirt for olive
it's a little wonky because i used a bunch of scraps
but i like it anyway
and a flower clip for her hair 
  i made the kids church bags 
is it so wrong to expect them to lug their own junk?
ok, not olive..


Shirley said...

All the projects look great. I especially like the bags. The kids should be carrying some of their own things. Good idea!

Monica said...

It's not wrong if they have super cute bags like those!

Erin said...

So cute! I love that shirt! I wish I could just come up with my own patterns like that. You are so crafty!

Natalie Smith said...

I love all of those creations. :-)