March 30, 2011

poor noah

noah was using a stool to get in the bath
with hazel today and slipped and fell
he hit his bum really hard just above the crack
i was on the phone with my sister
when it happened
and he heard me explaining to her what happened
and he yelled, "i cracked my bum???"
apparently i'd never taught him that our bums have a crack
one awkward lesson down
several to go


Becky said...

Hehe - that is absolutely hilarious! Thanks for making my night. :)

Natalie Smith said...

I love that. "I cracked my bum!" too funny - glad that became a learning moment ;)

Monica said...

What a hard (and funny) lesson to learn. Poor Noah.

miriam said...

HAHAHAHAHA oh that was exactly what I needed. Noah, you CRACK me up!

andre'a said...

that's so funny! it was funny hearing it the by way of the phone and funny reading it on here. Definitely blog-worthy. I love you!