February 15, 2011

valentine's day recap

 my valentine
 michael thought to make the kids 
pink heart shaped pancakes
for breakfast
they loved it
 olive loved playing with the balloons
the kids are really in to forts lately
so i made their whole room one

we had a really fun valentine's day
we went out to teriyaki 
with our friends for dinner
and wandered the mall
we got mini ice cream cones
at mcdonalds on the way home
it was lots of fun
this morning the kids were disappointed
it was over


The Asay's said...

What a fun Valentines day. Cute idea for the pancakes.

Monica said...

Mine were sad it's over, too. Parker was very disappointed that it only happens once a year and that he has 364 more days till the next one.

Kate Clayton said...

Fun! Michael is such a good dad!

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

So fun!! And your pancakes look so much cuter than mine! LOL mine went a little bit crazy... :}