February 10, 2011

golden girl

 she looks so old!

i've been sewing olive some shirts and dresses
using this pattern
from prudent baby
it's been so fun to use scraps of cute fabric
to make olive some clothes
this gold might be a little much but... oh well


lilibet said...

It totally suits her! I didn't even know gold lame could work on babies.

Kate Clayton said...

A girl can never go wrong with gold. What a cutie!

Debbie Olson said...

She has such a grown up look to her! So totally has her own special look. Love it!

The Asay's said...

What a cutie. Love the gold shirt..

Natalie Smith said...

love that face. that pattern is so cute. she is lucky to have a talented mommy!

Monica said...

A little too much for who? I love the gold!

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

She looks so grown up! Such a big girl! Cute tunic!

Ben said...

I have to warn you, Ben may steal her when we come up there. We love her!!!!!

Unknown said...

she looks beautiful. the first picture looked like she had make up on or something, even though I know that's ridiculous- She looks like a model baby.

andre'a said...

could she get any prettier?

andre'a said...

French, she is so beautiful! It's like looking at you when you were little. Love you!

andre'a said...

She can be Dorothy. I'm Rose.

andre'a said...

jogged 3 miles today. woot-woot!