February 13, 2011

getting ready for tomorrow

we told the kids that tomorrow is valentines day
then we blew up balloons
made cookies
and now michael's hanging the streamers
we're very excited


Ryan said...

I love that you are making a big deal of Valentine's day. We played a game tonight where we hugged the person next to us and told them why we love them. Then we reversed. It was fun!

Shirley said...

What yummy looking cookies! Have a fun time tomorrow.

Laurel said...

So fun! I'm slacking this year.... Dallin will get plenty of stuff at school, right? ;)

andre'a said...

oh French, what beautiful decor! and cookies! YUM! I need to get my bake on and make some, too. We've just had 0 energy but that needs to change.

andre'a said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ashley said...

How cute!!! I love the cookies! Yumm!

Natalie Smith said...

We did cookies on the vday eve too!
Holidays with kids...the best!

Natalie Smith said...

Happy Love Day!