January 4, 2011

olive is...

Our sweet Olive turned six months old yesterday. Sadly that means she got her vaccinations yesterday and was also diagnosed with another ear infection. (She already had a double ear infection about a month ago). Poor girl. She's a trooper and lets us know when she's not happy by giving lots of little screams. Olive weighs 15.5 pounds and was 25 1/4 inches putting her in the 40th percentile for both. She has been rolling from stomach to back since two months and from back to stomach since 5 months. Around 4 or 5 months she started scooting while on her back by arching it. Olive now gets on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth and even manages to go forward when she's really motivated. She loves solid food. We started her on rice cereal just before she turned 5 months and now she's eaten mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, peas, and baby mum mum. She loves everything and even whimpered the other day when she saw me eating a pear. She loves to suck her thumb and thinks everything Noah does is hilarious. She sleeps pretty well at night but since these ear infections she's been getting up a couple times a night again. Hazel is really wanting to be Olive's mommy lately and insists that Olive be on the floor so she can play with her. Olive never seems to mind her. Needless to say, we all love our Olive Beatrice. 


Kate Clayton said...

Happy 1/2 birthday Olive! You are too cute!

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

6 months! It seems to fly by so quickly. Faster so if it isn't your baby I guess. She is beautiful Rachael!

lilibet said...

Fun Olive update! I hate ear infections, though I'm at the point now where I can't tell if Dylan a.) has an ear infection, b.)is growing some monster tooth, or c.) is just being grumpy.

Monica said...

I love her, too! She's pretty awesome.

Natalie Smith said...

She looks hard to resist! haha...what a sweet lil' thing.

Anonymous said...

i CAN'T believe she's six months already.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY six months, Olive! (doubt she'll even read this)...