December 12, 2010

questions and answers

sometimes the blog is a little one sided
i forget to tell the other part of the story
or answer questions
and then i think about it while i'm trying to sleep
and it bothers me
like it's hanging over me
and i don't like things unfinished

so here it goes

1. Remember a long time ago when I told you about my favorite shoes and how I sent them off to be fixed
and it took forever and I overpaid? Well... once I got them back, I tried to love them but they were suddenly too big for me and way heavy because of the crappy sole they put on them. I threw them away recently. Never use the shoe repair guy at Southcenter mall. 

2. Running. After I had Olive my friend Heather and I started running in the morning. We were going at 7:00am outside until just before Thanksgiving when we ran our 5k. Now that it's snowed and the snow isn't leaving anytime soon, we get up and go to the gym and do a mix of running on treadmills, lifting weights, and trying out new weird machines. We still go in the morning before everyone's up. I love going with Heather. It's so much easier to get up and go with someone than by myself. We are going to start marathon training in the next month or two and hope to get back outside in the spring when the weather permits. The marathon training I'm going to use can be found here. My sister Andre`a used it for her first marathon and highly recommends it. She is planning on running another marathon or two this next year including the one with me. 

3. As far as what kind of van we're going to get. Either an Odyssey or a Sienna. We'll go for whatever we can pay cash, and get the best value. Currently we're leaning toward Siennas.

4. Preschool. I have told most of you in person who have asked but in case anyone else was curious, I'll answer here. I pulled Noah out of head start for a few reasons. First, he had a different teacher this year that I got a weird feeling from. He was nice, but socially off and way too touchy feely. I figured if I wasn't comfortable with Noah being alone with him, I shouldn't let him be around him. I might be crazy but I'm the mom and I want to protect my children.

The other reason was that they did a new integration with autistic children and the numbers were really disproportioned. There were 5 (or more) children with special needs in Noah's class of 13 children. He hadn't learned anything (other than some bad behavior) after two months. He is doing really well at home and I feel like I made the right decision.

5. Jackie the color on our living room walls was originally from Fred Meyer and it was left over from our Ashley Terrace apt. We used the rest of that until we ran out and then had walmart color match it. Now the new can doesn't say what it is because the machine mixed it.. Long story short, I don't know what color it is. I'm sorry! It's a mix of a light green and light blue. Kind of a pale aqua. My favorite color.

6. We purchased this set of wall ledges to hang out stockings. We got our stockings and the stocking hangers from Target on clearance a few years ago the week or two after Christmas.

7. That leather tufted couch we recently purchased off craigslist? We resold it like...the next day or maybe two days later for the same price we paid for it. It was a cool couch but it had such a different style than the rest of our living room. It was going to be a bit of work to match our living room to it and I'm not quite ready for a change. Our current couch is awesome but the cushions were fraying which really bothered me. I finally figured out a good way to fix them and they look great. Holla! Bottom line, I'm always looking on craigslist for something awesome and I don't like to let them pass me by. It was super similar to a restoration hardware sofa that is like $3000 and we got ours for $175 but resold it. What can I say? I'm really lucky to have a SUPER supportive husband.

8. Do I love, love or LOVE, LOVE Olives hair? I LOVE, LOVE Olive's hair. It's a little out of control right now but it's so much fun and I can't imagine her without it.

sorry for the randomness
let me know if you have more questions
and i'll be better about responding


amy welch said...

We bought a Sienna this year and I LOVE it!! Thanks for all the updates. I love reading your blog.

jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

haha thank you for answering my question! That is one of my favorite colors too! =]