November 24, 2010

a little ER visit

Today my sisters and I went out to Azteca and Costco with all our girls. The boys all stayed home with their dads. It was super fun and a good compromise. The only down side was that shortly before us girls got home, Noah fell off of a slightly raised bed that used to be a bunk bed. Michael was kind of worried because he heard Noah cry and then Noah stopped for a while. He was silent. Then after that he wouldn't open his eyes. He wanted to sleep really bad and he was making a weird sad cry. He fell asleep for a while and only woke up to vomit but still wouldn't open his eyes. He wanted to sleep some more. We worried he had a concussion. Michael took him to the ER. They gave us the choice of a cat scan at the risk of radiation. We didn't think it was worth it so we're just supposed to watch him. He's feeling much better now. Apparently it was a mild concussion. Poor boy.


lilibet said...

How scary!

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Ah scary!! Glad he's feeling better though, and hope things continue to look up!

The Asay's said...

OH my goodness. That is so scary, I hope Noah is okay

Laurel said...

That's so scary! I'm glad he seems to be okay.

Unknown said...

I hope Noah is feeling better, that sounds really scary. Hope Mom and Dad are okay too after the little scare. Travel home safely!