October 26, 2010

now presenting: noah as dinosaur cowboy!

the ensemble includes pajama bottoms, shin guards, a hat from sweden, and his 4th birthday t-shirt

 the job includes wrangling dinosaurs with a lasso 
 this is what his trusty side kick hazel does
(gets the bathroom mirror dirty and gets mad when caught)
not sure how it helps the cowboy but it's part of it
 mode of transportation: running alongside thomas the train
 the official pose 
the dinosaur cowboy


Monica said...

We just got our costume bucket out Parker is a pirate, and Ollie is an elephant ninja. Hmmm. Halea will be the chicken ~ it's just too cute of a costume to not use it one last time.

Monica said...

I love how creative Noah is!

Monica said...

Hazel is a perfect, distracting sidekick.