April 7, 2010

back to square one

i decided a while ago
to let michael choose the name of our baby
mostly he was choosing between olive and eleanor
he always favored eleanor
which i knew
but i still wanted him to decide
so he mostly chose
i say mostly because michael didn't want to have to chose either
but he loosely chose eleanor
and i accepted it
we started referring to the baby as such
though i still had a deep love of olive
but what helped
was that noah one day
out of the blue
said, "mom, remember eleanor or olive? 
i like eleanor"
i loved hearing it from him
but the more we refer to the baby
as eleanor
i like the name less and less
so yesterday michael was sweet and referred to the baby
as olive
which i enjoyed
but he's not actually sold on it
we're back to square one
why does it have to be so hard?


tallia said...

we didn't name alice until a day after she was born. we had a list and maggie and hazel were at the top of it, but when she was born she didn't look like either. so we picked alice (which wasn't hardly on our list) and i think it suits her perfectly now.

Kate Clayton said...

Both are beautiful but I am a huge fan of Olive. I love it. I really do!

Monica said...

Funy story: remember when we were trying to name Parker? We loved the name Walley ~ for a while. Then I started to hate it. Bryce (big brother, then 5) remained stuck on the name, and the only way we could sway him away from Walley was to find something cool and superhero ~ maybe peter Parker? The Parker stuck.

Natalie Smith said...

Seriously naming rylee was so hard for us too. It comes so easy for some...but others - we are left with a battle! :) Good luck!!! They are both great names.

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Have you thought about looking up the meanings of both names - and see how they go with her middle name that you've already decided on?
That's how we determined Dmitri's middle name. I was torn between Dallan and Donald - and Donald won out because the meaning is AWESOME! ;)

Burkulater said...

We pick 5 first names with middle names and chose one after we saw our daughter. I liked waiting with her the best because her name was a surprise with us. You'll know for sure when you see her little face :)

lilibet said...

I gave Travis two name options with Dylan. He liked the other one best. HOWEVER, as soon as he was born and I lay there, wan and weary, cut open on the table beside a container of my own vomit, I said, "are you sure we can't name him Dylan?". He couldn't say no.:) Totally works.

andre'a said...

Olive, or Olivia. I mean, you really love that name, Frenchie!

Christie said...

yikes. good luck! names are hard. we finally decided (sort of) for sure on Daphne. so hopefully she fits the name when we meet her or she might be nameless for weeks...