August 13, 2009


we got a cat
it shows up outside our door sometimes
and yesterday michael suggested feeding it
reluctantly, of course
but he suggested it
and i couldn't think about a poor hungry cat needing food
probably abandoned
and us ignoring it
so we fed it
and then we fed it a little more
then it slept outside our door
for a few hours
we never really wanted a cat....
at least he's an outdoor cat
for now..


miriam said...

lucky you! :)

Monica said...

You little softie! You are mom. It's sweet.

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

I've been wanting a cat lately. But then I think about the cat box... and inevitable cat hair - and decide I better not.
But hey - an adopted outdoor cat isn't so bad! Have you guys named it yet? :)

Unknown said...

LOL! "For now" are definitely the key words here! Once you name the kitty you're going to have a really hard time NOT letting him inside! So, let's just cut to chase... name it today and let him in! I love this blog thing because I get to see what you're up to all the time and hear all the cute and fun stories about the kids.

andre'a said...


andre'a said...

meow meow