July 7, 2009


today i took the kids to the park
and met our friends there
here's noah and hazel swinging

noah and his friend mason

this is what hazel prefered at the park
noah's sandal

and this is what noah prefered
the drinking fountain

either way it was still nice to be out
then we came home and i put hazel down for a nap
noah was watching cartoons while i cleaned up
but when i was done..
i found him asleep again

i'm starting to think he does still need an afternoon nap
whether he likes it or not
so cute while he's asleep


Ryan said...

That is so cute! At first I thought he was asleep in a sandbox, but then I looked a little closer and recognized that rug.

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

I cannot find a park by me that has swings! I'm so jealous! And it looks like your afternoon turned out will, considering the morning :)