July 9, 2009

we're moving

i know it seems like we do this all the time
we're moving at the end of the month
it'll be our 4th move in like 8 months
so fun, right?
well no
but we're going to pay less money for a lot more space
and another bedroom
which will be bliss
since noah and hazel keep each other awake all the time
so another bedroom is what i'm looking forward to
and a dishwasher
and redecorating (i'm an addict)
wish us luck


Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

You do move a lot, and I thought we were bad! Good luck! Can't wait to see the pictures!

miriam said...

Where are you guys moving? We'll be gone the 15-26 (unless I strangle someone, then we might cut it short...I like, no NEED to have my own space) but I'll volunteer Garrett to help you move (we have a truck!) if we're in town.

Kirsten said...

Let us know when. I can watch the kids if you want.

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Okay - for cheaper rent and another bedroom - moving is worth it!
Yay for more space!

Jody said...

Yikes - you are brave! Love it.

kellyfam1633 said...


Grandma said...

When is the big move day?