June 30, 2009

noah is being...

cut off
no more sippies
why, you ask?
maybe it was the insane amount of time in the car this weekend
that got michael and i talking about it
or that we don't have a dishwasher and they are a pain to wash by hand
or maybe it's that he's three and loves nothing more than to
whine for a sippy
lay down or be held like a baby
drink his milk
and while doing so he may or may not have his finger on his belly button
it's weird
and it's gone on too long
no mo


Monica said...

I think it's a good thing to cut him off, but what will you do instead? Not just with real cups, but how will he soothe himself now?

Laurel said...

You're brave! Landon is seriously addicted to his pacifier and I am NOT looking forward to cutting him off...

Jody said...

Ahh - he will survive, right? His dentist will thank you for it, too, so will your pocketbook if you can avoid braces as well. Good luck - stay strong - and remember who's the boss!!! You are MOM. {wink} {wink}

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Good for you! At Dmitri's 9 month appt - his pediatrician told me to take him off the bottle and put his formula in a sippy. So I did - and he's been off the bottle for almost 3 weeks. Lol but I think he's become sippy dependent. Blah! There's no winning :}