April 20, 2009

dear low-life who stole our car radio,

I've been thinking about how you broke into our "old" car. A few things I thought you should know about the radio you stole:
1. It looks a lot cooler than it is.
2. It won't play burned cd's unless it feels like it. 
3. In fact it won't play any cd if it doesn't feel like it.
4. A few of the buttons don't work.
5. Oh, and you forgot the remote.
the car owner


Laurel said...

Sounds like the thief really got a deal. ;) Sorry for your loss!

Mike and Jennie said...

It is still sad that someone broke into your car. I had my faceplate to my radio stole once. It was stupid because you can't do anything with the faceplate, but you also can't do anything with out the faceplate. I had to pay $50 bucks for a new one.

Dawn said...

That happened to us years ago. They took the radio and left all our cds behind. Sorted through them, but didn't like all our music from the 80s. (o:

You can hold Elizabeth whenever you want! Next week I'll be there by myself again so I'll be looking to hand her off most likely.

Unknown said...

If I'd known all that I never would've wasted my time breaking in to steal that piece of junk. Oh, well. I guess that's the life of a low-life for ya.

Jody said...

Very funny - therapeutic, too... did it make you feel better?

lilibet said...

That is so lame. I have to say, though, that someone stole our car about 4 years ago and I just started to laugh when I realized what happened. The car they stole looked pretty nice from the outside, but it was 20 years old and breaking down on the inside. Sure enough, they dumped it a mile down the road (after stealing all of the broken-down stereo equipment).