March 2, 2009

super fun weekend

we tried whitey tighty's again...peed through two pairs

drank some hot chocolate 
(not the winco bulk garbage, i'd rather drink dirt)

let the dishes stack up until i couldn't stand it
we go through this every weekend

we walked to the park
(as well as VV and Freddy's)

did a little tree climbing

a little swinging
heavens no, not that kind of swinging
you perv

then some church
daddy and noah matching

hazel and mommy

we made a new habit of reading scriptures in the morning 
with the kids
rather than the evening with out them
it seems to be going well
 this weekend i did something horrible
i could write about it but....i don't want you to think less of me
oh ok here it is
on our walk to VV (value village)..
 well first of all
before i forget
the most hilarious thing (i almost peed)
we were jogging
michael was pushing the stroller
and he started hopping on one foot
maybe you had to be there, he went for like an entire block hopping super fast on one foot
ok ok, so we were at VV and we're in line
and it was taking forever
which was fine, we were having fun
and the sweetest little old woman 
whose first language is not english
was having trouble writing a check
she didn't know how
and was asking for help to write her check
the cashier wouldn't help and told her she needs to only  use debit/cash if she can't write checks
anyway, cute little lady was having such a hard time
and people were getting angry
and michael offered to help write it on a seperate piece of paper
so she could copy it onto her checkbook
the cashier said no
and the sweet lady looked at me and said "Sister?" while holding up her checkbook at me
michael assumed her literal sister was standing behind me
but i knew she was asking me
and i got nervous and the cashier said no
 so i just smiled sympathetically
anyway, the cashier finally helped her
and she got through it
and we got through the line and left the store
then michael mentioned that the sweet old lady looked familiar
and i wondered if she was in our old ward or something
then yesterday, Sunday we pulled into the church parking lot and i said,
"Michael, is that her?!" 
walking to church all alone
it was!
i could have died
i didn't recognize her at the store
i felt such a heavy weight on my shoulders when i walked into sacrament meeting
imagine, her recognizing me as a sister from relief society and me not helping her!
had i known that i know her i would've helped her
i'm such a jerk
she didn't seem offeneded or anything
but i definitely felt the need to repent
and be more willing to help my fellow sisters
blugh, i know 
other than this humbling experience, we had a lovely weekend


Dawn said...

Okay my dear. Your new blog format is a hoot and I love reading it and I love you for your honesty and for being just so gosh darn cute!

Also, I never get anything done when Travis is home. Every once in a while he has to work late at night and I kind of like it because I get projects done when kids are in bed and he's not home. I just have too much fun with him and feel down right lazy when he's home, so enjoy your once in a while alone times. (o:

Kelsey Danielle said...

Okay first of all I love the flower in your hair! hope you like them. And I totally saw your little family walking to vv... i thought it was you and wasn't sure until i just read this! Wish I would have seen the hopping but unfortunately you all looked normal! ha ha Glad you had a good weekend!

andre'a said...

Frenchie, this is like 15 posts in one. You're sooo productive! The story about the lady saying, "Sister?" is HILARIOUS. I mean, how many times does that happen in a lifetime? Love the blog, you!

andre'a said...

P.S.) love the new name, "Yummy Mummy." You're so YUMSY!

Unknown said...

u lucky girl - you get to dress up a boy and a girl! even if the clothes are pee-fied it must be fun. :)