March 10, 2009

my husband

i tend to keep mental notes of when people are rude to me
of course it's an awful habit
and i should really remember the good things people do and say
but i am who i am
so anyway
michael, this is to you
why are you so rude
like last night when we were watching the office season two 
and i said i wanted popcorn
why did you tell me you wanted popcorn too
like i'm supposed make it
how rude
then when i was drinking grape juice with ice in it
and i was chewing the ice up  and spitting it back in the cup of juice
why did you look at me like that
you know i love crushed ice
it's not my fault i have to crush it myself
and then this morning when i was putting on a long sleeve shirt
over my short sleeve shirt
why did you ask me how many shirts i've tried on today


Mike and Jennie said...

I have alright tried on 6 shirts this morning and it has only been two hours. In fact I am now going to change my pants because they don't go with the shirt that I have settled on.

andre'a said...


andre'a said...

Frenchie, you do happen to be the funniest girl ever. I love the quirks, and that Michael notices them too. (and that he looks like the weirdo in the end, NOT you).

Christie said...

hm... that popcorn situation sounds EXACTLY like something that happens with me, except I'm always the rude one saying "yeah, I'd like some popcorn too!" oops... thanks for inspiring me to be a little nicer to Steve :)

Laurel said...

sooooo....wanna go to the bouncy place together??? :)