March 5, 2009

i think my husband is secretly from new york. he says, "yestaday". here's our yestaday.

me yesterday.. see my cute hair flower? she made it
thanks for paying it forward, kelsey!

pillowcase dress i made for hazel yesterday
it doesn't look that cute on so i'll need to do a little altering..
with the matching pillowcase i'll be making myself another pillowcase skirt

michael could not stop complaining that he was cold so i let him wear my scarf
pretty cute, i'd let him borrow it if he asked nicely
and hat 
not so cute
he looks a little aviator-esque
and he's pretending to pick his nose with his pen for the picture

noah buried hazel in my fabric
how sweet...

and he tried my headband on
oooooooooh yestaday


andre'a said...

he looks so innocent and so funny! i love his little "love acts" to Hazel

andre'a said...

p.s.) I especially like the aviator-esque outfit of your husband, Michael. It is also very cryptic how Noah doess all those funny acts. Hey-lo!

andre'a said...


Monica said...

Tacho ~ I've missed so much on your blog. I didn't think it had been that long, but apparently it has! I love that picture of you at the top, you booty (beauty)! Now I need to check Pinksies ~

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Cute hair as always. Love the sewing ambition. You are SOOOO creative.

Dawn said...

Rachael~some day I'm gonna get tired of my hair and I want you to be the one to help me create that new look. K? I'll let you know when that day arrives. (o: