March 7, 2009

fun friday

we went to my parent's house yesterday
to celebrate of course
it was my mom's birthday
and since my parents got married on my mom's birthday 38 years ago
it was their anniversary, too
the kids did pretty well on the 2.5 hr drive...for the most part
noah fell asleep
we pulled over because hazel got fussy
we happened to stop at an ice cream place
and got super good giant cones
when..noah woke up
it was a shame because even with ice cream in hand
poor michael had to share
i'm not so good at sharing ice cream 
and a movie playing
he was still very upset from being woken up
in this picture you can still see his little sad eyes

 miss hazel didn't mind driving too much
except for the time she was sleeping and noah whipped a blanket at her face
waking her up
she did mind that
but she's happy

noah enjoyed some good old trampoline time
the trampoline he's on is the same one my parent's bought used when i was hazel's age
a few parts have been replaced but the metal base is the same
pretty neat, i think
don't mind the duct tape

michael and my dad enjoyed a little motorcycle trip to town

and then michael and noah spent some good male bonding time on the tractor
noah couldn't get enough

i got to hang out with my mom
 color her hair 
(which she didn't want a picture taken of) 
and rummage through her fabric
i realized how similar our taste is this weekend
i've always known i got my funky taste from my mom
i've always loved her jewelry 
hair styles
70's decor
but it was funny 
we both picked the same cute fabrics for me to take home
i just love that mom of mine

1 comment:

andre'a said...

that is so cute! i love the little ride to town. I love our mom, too.