February 23, 2009

family update

Noah is getting really good at dressing himself. He prefers pajamas, usually. This is a picture of him trying to put his "buzz" (they have a rocket on them) pajamas on. He's so cute nakers.
My dad came to visit and read Noah some Curious George. I just love them together. They're good friends. Michael has been loving having 2 couches. I know, big deal. two couches! Hazel's eating lots of solids. She loves little "puffs". She's supposed to be eating the ones in front of her instead of eating whatever weird black thing is hanging off of her mouth. Yuuuummmmm. This is my new favorite dress. We spent saturday going to garage sales. This dress was $1 i think. Michael told me to turn to the side for this picture to be taken before church yesterday. Apparently my hair looked odd from the front but from the side you can see my mini-pony. I looooooove this dress!
the last item of business on our family update is.....
where the heck did Noah's eyebrow go?!
we aren't sure...
if you see the missing strip, will you let us know?
we think there may have been a razor involved


Christie said...

you are the cutest! and so funny (unfortunately I haven't seen Noah's missing eyebrow but I'll be looking for it now) I love your family updates and your red lipstick and your new dress!

jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

hahaha!! I'll keep an eye out for the missing strip of eyebrow...my little brother shaved both his eyebrows off when he was little! It took a while for it to grow back...lol

Kassie said...

I will admit it, I am jealous of your two couches... we thought getting our ONE futon after we had been married almost two years was a big thing, TWO couches is MONUMENTAL

Unknown said...

cute cute dress - looks comfy too! ahh, yard sales...can't wait for warmer weather!

andre'a said...

Frenchie, I LOVE YOU! You look so beautiful in the pic. Also, I think it's hilarious about Noah's eyebrow. How does that happen?!

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Love the dress. But I must know ... how do you nurse at church or do you? I have a dress I want to wear but am afraid I would have to strip to my underwear to nurse Ezra in the ladies lounge. Oh well, might just do it.