January 21, 2009

a typical day

Today's been ok.
The kids are mostly well behaved.
I thought it would be nice to get out of the house .
I'll let you guess why I needed out
So we went to the library in Covington.
Noah wanted to run around/away the entire time.
He sat still long enough for me to read him a Curious George book.
I turned my back long enough to grab another book.
He ran away.
I took that as a sign it was time to go.
We made a stop at Fred Meyer.
As usual, we needed milk.
I kind of hate going anywhere with the kids by myself because they can be a little crazy and make any little trip miserable.
Typically Hazel is tired and squealing and Noah is reaching for things, knocking them over and or running away.
Today he was only trying to stand in the cart, not too bad.
Oh yeah, and trying to get on the conveyor belt with the milk.
Still not too bad.
On our way in I didn't have a cart yet so I had Hazel and a blanket in one arm and my giant bag on the shoulder of the hand that's holding very tightly on to Noah's hand.
I was juggling my kids and making my way inside when I spotted an elderly couple that looked nice so I smiled.
I like old people.
The woman's response to my smile was "where are your children's coats?" and a deathly glare.
They are both in long sleeves and multiple layers and my baby has a blanket.
I thought it was sufficient.
Even if it's not---
Has she completely forgotten how hard it is just to get out the door with an infant and a toddler?
Nearly impossible!
So that wasn't great.
And during this whole venture out I was listening to Jewel which is depressing in a few ways.
And to think I only went out because I didn't want another day stuck in a single room of my brother in law's house.


Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Are you kidding? Sometimes I am surprised at the nerve of some people. I understand your need to get out if only to run errands though. I am the EXACT same way.

Laurel said...

I'm sorry you had such a tough day. People can be so rude! Getting out of the house with two kids is always a nightmare. Hopefully next time goes better!

Kelsey Danielle said...

So i totally almost called you today. We needed to get Kenzie out of the house... JT just took her to McDonalds to play and get a happy meal. However tomorrow we have a plan. I'll give you a call!

Mike and Jennie said...

Isn't it so great that we have a place to get all this stuff off our chest. I know it makes me feel better to write it down. You are doing a great job and it will only be a short time longer that you will have to share a space.