January 16, 2009

the rumors are true

Yes. Okay! Yes. I can't deny it any longer. I gave in! Call it a personal sacrifice if you will. I did it. For the first time in..6 years. I guess. I haven't been counting, to be honest. I never thought I would do this again in my entire life. It was yesterday. Dare I tell you where.. I must. At the local walmart. I'm even ashamed of where! I Bought ... Un-Professional hairspray I'm so ashamed! I'm a professional hair stylist, for goodness sake! But. My husband is a student. We are living on savings. Man, I'm selfless. I just hope my children learned a valuable lesson. And one day my hair will forgive me.

So for now...
I'll miss your perfect hold. Your vegan ways. The low pollutants you share that made me rest easy while my precious children played with my tresses.
Goodbye Pureology Hairspray!


Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

love, love, LOVE your blog. You are so funny. I wish I was more entertaining on mine, too. Anyway, had a great time visiting and love your hair! We will be seeing you in the summer so until then, keep up the good work (as a mom and blogger)!!!

Mike and Jennie said...

You are so stinkin FUNNY!! I love your posts. I am sorry that you have had to make the switch, but just think toward the future when Michael is making the big buck and how much more your appreciate what you have. "By small and simple things, are great things brought to pass."

Youngs said...

I am so proud of you - I too sacrificed while living as students, do i dare say "it's worth it"? yes - my hair has forgiven me.

Fran Ross said...

I feel your pain, but I'm sure your hair will still look amazing. Still, a tremendous sacrifice for the greater good.
I ran out of shampoo right before all the snow. I was so happy when my sister-in-law (who does hair) called on Monday saying she was at the supply store. We drove down to Bonney Lake to pick it up that very night!

Laurel said...

Hilarious! Sorry you had to lower your standards. I think I may just take note of this hairspray though so that one day (when my husband is rich) I might just have a chance at fabulous hair like yours. :)

curly girl said...

You crack me up. Reminds me of a talk I heard a newly married student give in our Provo ward and he was thanking his wife for all the sacrifices she was making by marrying him, and he even noted that she didn't buy make-up from a counter anymore. And he was all choked up! It was all P & I could do to not bust up!

I have to say that I've used Aussie hairspray for a long time...give it a whirl, you might never go back?! OK, I tried, Michael!

Heather said...

Rachael, you seriously crack me up! I'm sure your hair will look amazing even with cheap hairspray! Way to take one for the team though! We miss you! Loved your post about living with family too...I completely feel your pain...been there, done that. You are right though...you will never take your own place for granted again! Ah, the joys of walking down the hall in the middle of the night without getting dressed! :)

andre'a said...

Frenchie, hey. You hair look so good! Girrrl, you so pretty!