Hazel is sick. She's had a cold-cough-runny nose for a few weeks. Today she just feels awful and feverish on top of it. She's just lounging, crying, and sucking her thumb today. The snow blessed me with my husband home all day but sadly the Doctor's office is closed because of it. Thus a win-lose situation. Poor girl! Don't worry I didn't take this picture today while she's sick and sad. I took it a few weeks ago when she was just plain mad.
Tyler had a cold/fever two weeks ago. He still has a runny nose, but thats about it. Good luck.
I forgot to tell you this when we were talking this morning. The Dr. said if you can control the fever, they will feel so much better ~ and really it's the fever that makes it so miserable. That's why the tylenol / ibuprofen is so important. I'm sorry Tacho (and Hazel).
OH Frenchie, I'm so sorry! The picture is so cute, though, for a mad little gal. I hope she feels better you!
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