November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat

For some reason I made the effort for Noah and Hazel to have outfits other than their costumes for Halloween during the day. It makes sense and everything except we didn't go out of the house all day until it was time to go to the church to set up for the trunk or treat and that's when I put their costumes on so....I guess this is where I get to show them off. Tada! This is the ONLY picture where both of them have their eyes open and Noah's not trying to sit on Hazel. I'm beginning to think they have a deal where every other picture one of them is supposed to look like/pretend they're sleeping. It's insane! It was so fun to dress Hazel in her tutu. The only trouble was that it was in her mouth a lot and in her way so she didn't like it that much but I really enjoyed it. Noah LOVES Toy Story2 and he calls the movie Buzz so luckily we found this outfit for him brand new at Goodwill for $4. And thanks to his E-E (Andre`a) he had the perfect space ranger shoes. He LOVED being dressed up. He couldn't get enough of himself in the mirror.
Here's a pic of our little family. Michael made himself a Wiimote (a wii remote) costume at work and wore it on Halloween off and on but he got really hot and couldn't move very well so he's not wearing it in the picture. Noah enjoyed trunk or treating and luckily the whole activity went well. Thanks to everyone who helped clean up we were home by 8:30. My sister and I even had time to put the kids to bed and go trick-or-treating a little just the 2 of us. It was so fun!


andre'a said...

Frenchie, these picks are soooo cute! I love the one of Hazel smiling so big. I like that you called Noah's awesome velcro shoes "Space Ranger" shoes. You're hilarious. Love you, better get back to reading New Moon...

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Your family looks so cute and I am glad that you had a great time with your sisters. I like the matching tutus! And your "daytime" Halloween out fits are super cute too. You are so creative. Miss you!