November 3, 2008

best week ever

I finally got to meet my nephew Clark. He is so sweet. He and Hazel are 4 weeks apart but he is totally bigger than she is. He is just a solid kid and I thought Hazel was chunky. They were so cute together. Just before this picture was taken they were even holding hands!
Well aren't these just the prettiest ballerinas I've ever seen! This was taken at the ward Trunk or Treat (Whew, glad that's over--I don't like the pressure of putting activities on. It's hard to enjoy them). It was so fun to have both of my sisters there and my parents. I decided a while ago that Hazel should be a ballerina for Halloween and once I realized how easy it is to make tutus I figured we all should be. It was so fun!
First stop after I picked Andre`a up at the airport----Azteca! The upper picture is of Hazel and Clark in their carseats. Hazel is sucking her thumb, a recent discovery/habit. Below is me and my sisters. I like this picture, I think it was time for a new good one of the three of us.
My sister Andre`a was here from Boston this week. It was such a fun week, I'm sad it is over. It was SO fun to be with her. I finally got to meet my nephew Clark and my sisters and I went out to eat, to a movie (WITHOUT KIDS--we saw House Bunny...not really one you'd want to see with your husband but it was super fun for us girls) and had so much fun. Can't wait until January when she comes back. It's pretty great to have sisters who are also your best friends. I love you girls!


Michael said...

I looks like it was a fun weekend. I'm glad you did have a good time. And sorry that you had to plan and run the ward party.

andre'a said...

Oh Frenchie, I miss you already! It was such a great week! I wouldn't trade it for anything. I miss you so much, it's be home with my husband gone all day, or to be with my best friend(s) and NOT home to make dinner, get the mail, hmmm...I think we know the answer already. I can't wait to see you again!!!!!!


Monica said...

It was so great to be together again. It's hard with kids, but we've all been blessed with good husbands that give us space for Thitho time (without the kids). I love you girls and I'm so glad we have each other. We'll have to take full advantage in January and get at least two kid-free dates.