April 16, 2023

the first half of april

i feel like it's becoming more apparent all the time how little time we have left with all our kids home 
time all together is more precious than ever before
even just a lunch out feels special
all of us at cafe rio together used to happen all the time
but the kids are growing up and getting busier so it's rare these days

date night

eleanor left bright and early for 5th grade camp
she had the best time!
i loved that i caught hazel getting ready while reading her book 
so hazel
cutest tennis player
new pinky brace
still going strong
eleanor is 11!
she got home from 5th grade camp on her birthday
so we celebrated as a family that evening and kept it super low key
poor girl was exhausted

she was over it
needed sleep immediately
these two were the wackiest for wacky wednesday :)
the fire pit is done! nice and level and perfect for our fam

ready for easter 
henry had his 3rd grade program and it was western themed
so cute
it's possible he's literally the shortest kid in his grade 
we took the kids to see the mario movie
we loved it 
new suit
we celebrated easter a day early before the kids left for grandparents
i love my bunnies
dying eggs
ready for the easter egg hunt
we let them out 10 seconds apart :) 
our yard makes for a pretty awesome egg hunt

our parents were sweet to come get the kids for spring break
look how these three are about the same height
i love it 

i LOVE that my girls wore their easter dresses and took a pic and sent it to me despite being at my parents house 
noah and hazel stayed just a couple nights and then came home for the rest of spring break
time for ear surgery
they removed a cyst
and reconstructed my hearing bones
including a titanium bone and a skin graft
pretty gruesome but i'm glad it went well

that's a lot of blood but i was happy to get that thing off
i loved getting pics from our parents of the kids all week

enjoying quality time with the big kids while i heal
noah is 17!!!! so many birthdays :)

pretty lame on my part but michael, noah and hazel went to a movie, dinner and bowling while i hung out at home 
i can't beleive i have a 17 year old!
i was getting in a funk being home and in pain all week
so michael suggested hazel and i get our nails done
and we went to starbucks, too
it was a perfect pickmeup
my little bestie

the other kids come home today after 8 days away
i am dying to see them
but also so grateful for time to rest and that they could have a fun spring break with grandparents

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