July 1, 2021

june 2021

i decided june 1st to make some changes and i challenged myself
 to walk an hour every morning of the month
i decided last minute i'd also take an instagram break for the month, too
it was an amazing reset 
jude had a little rocket launch preschool activity
Henry loved working on his go cart for a while
cute view to see when i opened my door
henry begged and begged to weed wack and i finally let him
he is a strong boy and did a great job
i am a huge fam of the flowers that graciously grow in our yard
i feel very grateful they're there
love this girl so freaking much

peonies in our yard!!!!
i feel like the luckiest girl in school
michael is the sweetest pushing kiddies on the swing
we tried the new park in covington and we all loved it 

another change in june is that michael and i started doing friday night date nights
we haven't been consistent about dates in a long time, if ever so it feels really good
for our first date we rode bikes to lake wilderness
and then ate dinner at cascadia, our favorite pizza place next to our house
we stopped by the old park we used to take noah to in kent near our old apartment

target hangs
i tried pink hair for a bit
it was fun
i don't love that jude drew on the couch (and walls) with chalk but he did a pretty cute job
writing jude 

he doesn't nap very often but it's cute when he does
yay for kids doing their own laundry once in a while
olive had a wax museum at school and was hedy lamarr

jude's first preschool graduation
a little less significant since he's going back next year but that's ok
still cute

on my morning walk i've seen elk, deer, and a coyote
plus lots of bunnies and birds
farmer's market with halea after a sleepover

sister/family bbq at our house

a tall marble track tube
michael came to my rescue when i got a flat after giving blood

on michael and my anniversary i took a picture of this dogwood
they remind me of our wedding day because they were all over the temple that day
michael and i tried a restaurant called din tai fung 
and it was delicous

and cheesecake
playing outside all together

michael traveled to tennessee for work so i took the kids to play at lake sammamish

last day of in person school for the big two!!!

covid vaccines for these two, too
henry reading on our back deck 
so serene
last day of in person school for the elementary kids

michael's electric bike finally came!!! it was his birthday present this year but it was backordered

we have a really sweet and generous family that let us borrow their nice 
backyard pool several times this summer
i love them all in their matching towels
we also bought a backyard pool and the kids loooooved it
father's day 
michael is the best dad
he is patient and loving and gives us his all
smores in the backyard
we love you, michael

eleanor used the pool by herself to swim for hours and hours
cutest little frenemy cousins

gene coulon

another saturday at the farmer's market

we decided to take a drive up to mt rainier

we loved having jennie and her family in washington for a month or so
beautiful olive
jude randomly fell asleep at church and i got to hold him for over an hour
i wasn't sad about it
it's so nice to live close enough to see grandparents more often
i did grandma's hair and then we went to ice cream before she headed home

i rode to the gas station for treats with the 5 little kids
it was exhausting but fun

i am so grateful for the better habits that june gave me

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