May 1, 2019

the rest of april

these two love playing in the boat
 out to dinner and target with a bunch of friends was so much fun
 silly baby
 my best little costco helpers
 i LOVE having tulips in our front yard
 and an organized refrigerator
 taco date with my favorite guy
 cafe rio/target night as a family
it had been forever!
 michael got good friday off so we had a full extra day together with the little boys and it was so much fun
we biked along the greenbelt downtown

 we rode to the penitentiary and walked outside because it wasn't open

 chipotle for lunch
 i love the cherry blossoms
 little slugger
 saturday morning ward easter egg hunt

boise public market for mini doughnuts and to walk around

 we love hanging around and inside the capital

 michael and i got some hawaiin food

 and we bought a new chick to surprise the kids

 easter sunday

 we have church so early we did easter baskets after church

 laura came over for easter dinner 
 easter egg hunt

 later we dyed eggs

 hazel is a chalk board art pro
 i did tons of yard work 
 playing heart and soul 
 sweet notes from hazel

 i was cleaning the bathroom and jude climbed on my back and said giddy up horsie

 temple night
 headed out to get braces
 they look great
he was sore for a few days but he's better now
 i love spring and kids playing outside
i have been walking the girls to school more 
hazel and jane are still cute best friends
 claire and olive
 eleanor and berkley
 henry did SO well at kindergarten registration 
i can't believe how big he is!
 first patio dinner of the year
 off to see end game

 shopping for our trip to italy
while michael researched things to do in venice
 the lilacs are blooming
 before i said goodbye to my highlights and covered them up
 making himself cheesy eggs for breakfast
 yard work for family night

 playing dead after walking the girls to school
 ministering lunch 
 april was great but i am SOOOO excited for may
we leave for italy in 8 days!!!

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