August 27, 2018

winding down summer

after family left, we let the kids have a camp out in the backyard
only noah and henry made it until the next morning

 these three went to a little art/science camp put on by a neighbor girl and loved it
 our last free dq burgers
 national night out at our neighborhood park

 henry's cool tricks were killing me

 another tooth lost
she said, "i believed i could so i did it"
 olive loves looking at things/reading while eating cereal
 back to school date with olive to target 

 my parents stopped back through on their way back home and dropped kami back with us

 michael and i left kami in charge and went out to dinner to epi's 
it was so fun and delicious

 my gray hairs are really peeking through lately
 saying goodbye to kami 

 farmer's market

 missing noah who was on a camp out
 fun park downtown

 taking a balloon delivery to carlin's birthday celebration
 love these girls
 loving that the kids actually slept in for once
 breakfast by michael
 playing cards in a fort made by michael
 i love it when the milk expires on my birthday
 fun pool day
 so many messes
 my sweetest helper
she said, "i just love it when you're happy"
 they were happy to have a pond at the playgroup park we went to
 throwing a fit
 fresh off the tree
 eating a plum and enjoying the apples
 so sleepy
 finding his locker
 more messes
jude and henry worked in cahoots on this one
 multi-tasking reading+pool=bookworm
 new haircut
 double decker pizza

 dishes helper
it was all fun and games until i made him get out
 i couldn't give blood so michael did for both of us
 a really soapy bath that led to an allergic reaction for henry and hives/itchy skin for a week or two
 the cutest
 late night drive through back to school date for noah
 a fun last summer hurrah for all the kids at the pool with pizza

 back to school date with henry
he said, "i can't believe i'm dating now" because he was so excited to have his first date with mom
 eleanor's back to school date
yes, i busted three of them out in less than 24 hours but they were happy and i loved time with them
 ready for date night

 i love him 
and pizza

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