July 26, 2018

tantrums and splash pads and swimming oh my

sunday jude threw a big fit...i can't remember why exactly
but he refused to get in the car 
until michael came and then he was fine...
 eleanor loves it when i straighten her hair
this was after church so it was already getting a little wavy again
 moments after taking olive's baptism pictures
noah was already unbuttoned and putting jude's sock on his ear and water bottle lids on his eyes
 hazel is looking so grown up these days
hanging at the pool on the moody girls' laps
 post nap reading
 noah's at scout camp this week so michael and jude took care of the yard

 how jude plays with the chickens
 how henry plays with the chicken..
 we went to a new park and splash pad and the kids loved it
 hazel's fancy hair she did herself

 they loved getting dumped on

 we went and had lunch with michael afterward
that night i went with my friends kathryn and carlin to dinner and trader joe's 
it was a lot of fun
 henry just floating on the tube
 how jude uses a chair
 how henry uses the same chair
hazel finished the 6th harry potter this morning and already started the 7th
 we rode to settlers park for today's adventure

 a local dairy came and gave all the kids free ice cream
i guess we were at the right place at the right time

 jude didn't like that i threw his stick away and wouldn't let him eat another little girls' ice cream

so cute and sad

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