March 2, 2018

yay it's march!!!

i went out with these girls last weekend
we saw a chick flick that was surprisingly good
and it was fun to spend time together since it's been so long
 piggy backs

 we had a family movie night and watched evan almighty
it ended the cutest conga line

 hazel learned to french braid
 i tried my best to do her hair for church
 she also asked to borrow my new earrings
and she wore the new pillow case dress i made her
 we went to church with hair done by each other :)
 the reason moms hate snow
 working on sewing myself a jumpsuit
 this paper by olive was hilarious!
 grandpa chic for lunch with michael
 we went to teriyaki!

 i love lunch dates with michael

 this vest was my grandma's
i love it
 wacky wednesday 

 playing on the bathroom counter while i do my makeup

 i love spending time with eleanor while jude naps and henry is at school
 he thinks he's so funny 
he won't tell me anything about preschool when he gets home
 noah had a special evening to learn about duty to God
and he was taught how to pass the sacrament
i can't believe he's 6 weeks away from being 12
 super responsible adults
 olive and eleanor are so cute sharing their queen bed reading at night
 soooo tired this morning
henry woke me up mid-dream
i stubbed my pinky toe so bad!
it was just the worst but at least i don't have anything i have to do today
so i'm hanging out in sweats
 this kid...such a character
he is SOOO naughty lately
i don't know what the deal is (tired?) but he has been nonstop
and so tricky!
 i hate having to wake jude up for kindergarten pickup
but he's so CUTE
 eleanor is so cute holding daffodil like a baby
 eleanor is so cute
she got all dressed up and brought this picture with her
and wanted to pose just like it 
she's the cutest
i am soooo happy it's the weekend! 
it has been a rough/long week and i cannot wait to just hang out

1 comment:

mr.olson said...

We have a lot of fun. The kids conga line was the best.