December 20, 2017

mid december (five days until Christmas!!)

i'm trying to consistently make the kids do saturday chores
they're sure cute when they do them
 henry wearing my boots and olive's coat to help with Christmas lights
 michael's jammies are cozier than mine
 family game of apples to apples jr
 these two in matching jammies are the CUTEST

 jude insists on holding his bananas himself 
it's adorable
 noah was home from school after having a stomach ache and fever the night before
he asked for tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch and said i was the best mom in the world when i complied
 nothing better than mail days in december
 eleanor took this and i LOVE it
and him
 extra tall laundry cart day
 we made a bunch of toffee to give friends and neighbors

 the next morning jude was much more interested in the toffee than his breakfast
 ready to go out to lunch with michael
 snow at micron
 we went to teriyaki for lunch
 it was such a fun lunch date and it didn't hurt that henry was at school
 henry's hideout in the pantry
 jude finally saw an allergist
 not a fun process for a sweet baby
 the only thing he was positive for was a cat allergy
but the allergy doctor gave us lots of good tips to deal with his eczema
 olive got a haircut
 eleanor's boots broke on the way to school and i had to run her a new pair 
 new rug
 helping himself
 nightly baths for jude are often accompanied by henry
the nightly 20 minute soaks are supposed to help his skin
 we finally got snow! the kids were so excited

 i love big family breakfasts
 silly henry forgot his clothes
 i'm a little embarrassed to say that the first santa that henry and jude have ever seen/sat on his lap
was in a gas station and looked nothing like santa

 micron is finally doing well enough to give a proper Christmas party
it was really fun to get dressed up and go out on a date
the dinner was good and it was fun to spend time with michael's coworkers

 we left the kids home with movies, pizza and snacks and they were great
when we got home it was late but they were happily playing games at the table together

 these two had their Christmas piano recital
they both did great
it was olive's first one and she really enjoyed it
hazel impressed everyone because she practices a lot and did really well
 henry brought me a snack of snow with a spoon
 henry is constantly begging me to keep the rental car we have while our van is getting fixed
after we were rear-ended a month or two ago
 the other afternoon i got to watch noah's band perform some Christmas songs

and it was video day for eleanor at ballet
and it was olive's 2nd grade Christmas performance
busy afternoon but so fun to watch all of them
 eleanor insists we skip to the car after kindergarten every day
she suggested it once and i told her mom's don't usually skip
and i hadn't skipped in a long time and she said, "well, you should"
i agreed so now we do it every day
 our pretty rental car is going to be hard to give back when the van is fixed
it's so nice and spacious
 my darling laundry helper
five days until Christmas and we're very excited!

1 comment:

mr.olson said...

So many good memories love. Thanks for posting this.