April 18, 2017

in between all the birthdays

three birthdays in 2.5 weeks (with jude's turning 6 months in between)
has been a little intense
but in between it all are some really sweet moments
and spring has been amazing after such a long, cold winter
hazel learned how to make pancakes
i love going on walks with the boys while the other kids are at school
 henry's paintings usually end up as soggy paper messes but it's so cute at first
 he likes me to watch him jump on the trampoline from the stool next to it
 eleanor and henry both blamed each other for coloring our couch
but i think it was actually henry
luckily it came off with wipes
 i love this little muffin
 jude has not been impressed with baby food. he likes real food much more

 watching for the ice cream truck
 walking to school
 i love hazel and eleanor held hands for a long time
and olive loves to push the stroller

 scooter race
 dinner helper

 cutting scraps while i sew a dress
henry and darcy
 little best friends

 picking up our chicken coop

 first time in the baby swing in the backyard
 after a little mommy meltdown
 (having 6 little kids is hard!and michael and i had a little fight which never happens)
i was happy to have a family movie night

 olive was dying for me to wrap her hair in a towel after her shower
 henry did this himself and said arrrrr matey
 noah set them up in our bed
 eleanor's preschool pictures are SO cute
it was hard to pick which ones to order
 eaitng a bunch of my oatmeal while i was doing other things
he always likes my food more than his

 hazel and olive decided to dress like twins just for fun

 i took the little boys to the co-op for some dairy free foods
 we love sunny days

 when we realized our "chicken" that showed up in our yard, inspiring us to get two more chickens
and a coop was actually a bob white quail...michael's co-worker took it and eventually let it go
 pretty cherry blossoms
 working in the garden
 the family with their cheese lasagna and me with my dairy free one
 waiting for grocery pick up

 cool trick
 always putting on shows for me
 these two love each other

 wearing noah's old jacket from 10.5 years ago
 playing at the park after taking the kids to school
 she brought along a pillow and a blanket on our walk
she loves to be cozy wozy
 lunch date with michael
 look at that smirk!
 sweet sleeper
 working on his robot on the backyard
 unloading the dishwasher without being asked...all by hersel
such a sweet girl
she's been living in her birthday dress
 olive and henry helping me cut melon for dinner
and hazel holding jude for me
sweet kiddies
 me and noah can share shoes now! our feet are the same size!
 noah was sad we got rid of "rosie" the quail because they can pass disease to chickens
so we replaced her with a new chicky he named chirp or chirpy
 we're all in love

 olive loves to pick flowers for me
 my view from the attic while i got the easter decorations down
 chirp helping us with our puzzle
 noah couldn't make himself fill our a genetics form for school about anyone other than michael
he's so sweet
 practicing the sign language alphabet for her preschool program

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