November 29, 2016

thanksgiving break and smiles from jude

i love that even on baby number six, he's still a doting father
 eleanor got a big haircut!!! i couldn't take her long hair anymore
i'm so happy with her little bob
she loves it, too
 hot cocoa for the whole fam...except jude
 a doting little mama with her baby 
  always on the counter
he's cleaning his dinosaurs
 days off of school mean staying in your pajamas
and making lots of messes
they were having a "farmer's market" 
which it turned out was just a ploy for noah to get his siblings' money
he wanted to buy a lego set and needed the money to cover tax :) 
they had lots of fun
and even cleaned it all up with lots of prodding
 at 7 weeks and two days jude FINALLY started smiling
noah got a picture for me
 the cute blondies in the family
 olive taking a selfie
 on thanksgiving we had a nice breakfast at home and went to the moody's for thanksgiving
jude looked pretty cute in his little gobbler onesie for the festivities
 little cutie in his Christmas jammies helping me decorate for Christmas
 michael took olive on a date so hazel was certain it was her turn for a date, too
i took her to the village and the date got cut short by fussy jude
so we went home and ate treats in my bed while watching flubber just her and mom and dad
she loved it
 jude slept for 8 hours straight and gave me lots of smiles!!!

 we were going to get a Christmas tree at our usual lot but it wasn't there
so we went to horseshoe bend and picked out a tree at a little tree farm
 it was so much fun!
 they had marshmallows and chestnuts to roast, too
 we had fun decorating it when we got home

 heading out the door to church
 my pretty view while nursing jude after church
 the whole fam after church
helping me clean
 jude was eight weeks old yesterday!
it feels like the fog has finally lifted a little bit
jude is sleeping better (napping during the day and longer stretches at night)
and smiling! it makes it all worth it

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love Eleanor's hair. Bob's have made my life a lot easier. Also your tree is gorgeous.