November 18, 2016

i'm not so good at this blog thing lately, am i?

let's face it
blogs aren't "the thing" anymore and when it's private it's even less motivating to do it
but i can't quit it because it's a documentation of my family's life and i need it to help me remember
 we went to a new park in boise
it was a lot of fun and the weather was great

 the kids loved playing in the water and sand
good thing we had extra clothes for henry in the car
 me and ju ju
 a fun game of jumping bunny with the girls
 henry loves dress up lately
and getting his nails painted, and using purses
it's tricky having 3 older sisters
 we went with eleanor to her fire station field trip
they loved it
 eleanor is such a helper....
despite being told multiple times to not walk around with jude she does any way
and picks him up when he's sleeping
and tries to burp him and be his mom 
it's sweet and a little scary
 she loves to cook with me and helps me chop veggies
 hen and michael on the roof while michael took a break from hanging our Christmas lights
 i walked the kids to school and voted with the three little ones

 henry is getting closer to potty training
but won't get off the toilet forever when he's done and it's a power struggle
 i tried cloth diapering henry and jude and lasted like 3 days
 some days are hard
and jude fusses a lot and i don't get a chance to brush my teeth or get dressed
 wearing her baby in my wrap 
 lunch date with dad
 little love
 michael being phyllis on the office on valentine's day
 date night to a sweet swedish movie with subtitles
we lasted 20 minutes before jude's fussiness made us leave

 then we tried going to the mall and he fussed the whole time we were there
so we got the kids, put them to bed and enjoyed slurpees while we watched the office
to salvage our terrible date night
 sometimes i get tired of holding fussy jude 
so i let the boys in our class hold him during sunday school
 i finally finished this quilt that has quilt squares my grandma kelly made a really long time ago
my aunt liz sent them to me in case i wanted them and i planned to make our baby girl (i thought)
a quilt with them but instead i gave it to eleanor
 she loves it!
 tandem diaper changes for the boys with their two mamas taking care
 thanksgiving mantle
 jude likes his couch naps
 our sweet friends the dalley's are moving
so we went to say goodbye and help them a little
and olive got their cat elliot to sit on her like a baby
 sweet baby
 henry asked me to take his picture of his blanket wrapped around him
 and then they both wanted on my lap

 on a chilly day this week
henry said he wanted to go outside and go swimming
and went straight to this puddle and did it :) 
 michael was so sweet and went to work extra early so he could watch the kids for me
during my 6 week post partum check up
he's so thoughtful
 hazel gave a report on the white house for her GT program and she did great 
despite being really nervous beforehand
 henry helped me make split pea soup 
 and we jumped on the trampoline (my first time in a long time)
while eleanor was at school
 post partum depression has been creeping in so i was especially grateful when crystal invited us over
we hopped in the stroller and spent all afternoon with her
 the kids had a lot of fun
 and she held jude for me and took care of us
 i forgot about this old rug and pulled it out
it works perfectly in jude's room

 sweet crystal came over and hung out with me last night while the family was at pack meeting
this morning i took the little boys to costco while eleanor was at school
we weren't thrilled about the line to get in
but apparently black friday starts early at costco
 we had fun there anyway :) 
my post partum depression was pretty bad this week
but between jude and henry there is SO MUCH CRYING
and i don't get much of a break from it...ever
and it's wearing
but since being vocal about it, i've felt better and less alone
i love my kids, every last one of them
and i'm so glad i'm their mom
even when it's crazy


Debbie said...

I love the blog. Don't stop!

Tami said...

I love your blog! I also love how honest you are being about your ppd. Its such a struggle, one that I feel is made a little lighter when you share it with others. I think it also helps other moms, especially new ones, realize they are also not alone, and what they are feeling is normal and ok. You are a wonderful mom, and you look beautiful even on the days you don't get to brush your teeth!