September 13, 2016

life is good

hazel was dying for me to make some challah
she thinks of it as a giant pretzel and i don't mind all the effort since she used to hate bread 
and now she requests it
 eating toast together before school one day
 way to go olive! i worry so much more about her in school than the other kids
and i'm so glad she's doing well
 jumping off the furniture is his favorite
 we have an excess of zucchini growing so i ate some for lunch with eggs last week
 35 weeks and feeling large and in charge
 i bought a pack of newborn diapers
look how tiny they are! and they smell so good
 before hazel left for school
she's so grown up looking lately
this was picture day
 henry helped me pick a bunch of plums in our backyard the other day
i think we gave away 10 or more gallon bags to friends

 we watched the princess diaries for family movie night last week
 saturday we took the kids to the discovery center
 henry loves to play the piano with his feet..
 the weather was great so we went to the pool 
(they've left it open longer this year)
and we had it all to ourselves for a little bit
 love these two
 i don't know if i'll ever let henry outgrow this suit
it's my favorite
 eleanor decided she likes pig tails but she calls them pig ears
 hanging out in the backyard
 hazel was above me in the cherry tree while i was in the hammock
 love this view 
 bedtime chaos

 we love it when dad gets home

1 comment:

Erin said...

Oh my goodness, the baby's room is so cute! Is his name going to be Jude?