September 8, 2016

labor day 2016

we had an awesome (low key) labor day this year
it was so nice to have a relaxed/unplanned day at home rather than traveling anywhere
we started with a big french toast breakfast
with bacon and hot chocolate

 such a cute family i have
 we decided to use the free pass noah got from school and go to the idaho botanical gardens

 giant koi fish

 michael had to hold henry in a death grip because he was trying to climb this railing and look over 
the edge without a care in the world that there was another deep pond below

 our next stop was camel back park
the kids were dying to go
noah, hazel and olive climbed up by themselves
 while we watched henry and eleanor at the playground
 we had lunch at big jud's thanks to my sweet brother ben for a gift card
it was delicious as always
we spent the rest of the day doing yard work and hanging out at home

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