August 24, 2016

first day of school

the kids started school on monday
noah is in 5th grade
 hazel is in 3rd grade
 olive is in 1st grade
 all five kiddies

 michael stayed home from work in the morning to help take the kids to school
we dropped each of them at their classes and met their teachers
they all seem really nice
 crystal and i walked to pick the kids up
and i thought hazel and jane were so cute holding hands the whole way home

 on the second day of school i walked them there so i could help them find their spots to line up
i love the crisp morning walk to their school with them

 i let them walk home alone after school
and they came home so happy, no fighting!
olive is loving first grade

 they each took turns telling me all about school
 i am so happy they're happy in their classes
 and i don't think henry and eleanor hate the extra attention at home with mom all day

1 comment:

Monica said...

How awesome that you get a little bit of a break during the day while the big ones are at school. They are all growing up so fast. Time for another one :)