August 9, 2016

all we do is swim and watch the olympics

the kids started their two week session of swim lessons last week
and per tradition, i take them to the neighborhood pool after their lesson almost every day
eleanor is doing a million times better than she did last year
letting her teacher dunk her, doing everything she is asked
we went and saw the angel moroni that was recently put on the meridian temple
ready for more swim lessons
we had the neighborhood pool to ourselves for most of the time we were there one day

playing on the park
olive got to go try out a gymnastics class to see if it was a fit
and michael said it was like she's been waiting her whole life to do it
she is a natural
she's pretty sure she can just drive herself there, too
pregnant with pinkie pie
we snuck away for a double date to the new jason bourne movie
the hunts met us at the pool a few times last week
and i loved seeing our 10 kids huddled around the little pool
teaming up on their dad after he got home from work
when i get overwhelmed i clean out the linen closet
one of the reasons i've been overwhelmed...broken dishwasher for like 3-4 weeks
it's been terrible
but it's maybe hopefully fixed now
making us dinner
morning cartoons
this is how eleanor got ready for swimming lessons one morning
she said she wanted to twirl first
hazel and jane

riding home from scouts at the neighborhood park with the sunroof open

safety day at swimming lessons
they got to go off the diving board and noah got to practice being a lifeguard

 one day last week we went to the splash pad instead of the pool
 we found a dresser off craigslist and noah helped carry it down a flight of stairs 
all the way to the van
such a strong 10 year old

 eleanor and olive fell asleep during the opening ceremonies of the olympics

 picture by noah
 inspired by the gymnastics on the olympics

 dapper henry
he was even more dapper before church but i didn't get any pictures then
i had to snap a few after church before we changed him

 after church playdough session
 fresh off the tree in our backyard
 during a haircut, halfway shaved
 noah played legos for hours with his light off and the lamp on
to pretend it was night and give them shadows
 michael is trying to perfect his costco chocolate muffin recipe
 cute brothers playing trains

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Your family is just the cutest, and you're seriously the BEST mom, being that pregnant, it being summer and still taking all the kids to the pool. :D