July 7, 2016

olive's sixth birthday

 sunday was olive's birthday
i was pretty worried it would be hard to make it special away from home, staying at kyles
but we brought her presents with us and made it as special as possible
she loved all the gifts we got her 
(lots of the target version of american girl. she and hazel are really into them lately)

 she is the cutest
 after breakfast and presents we were going to go to snoqualmie falls with my siblings
but it wasn't great weather and wasn't really happening
so we went to redondo beach as a family
olive completely loved it
 there was a volunteer from the seattle aquarium there who showed them cool things
and taught them a lot
 henry, olive and noah definitely loved it the most
eleanor was a little nervous (per usual) and hazel was antsy to go, too

 holding a starfish was definitely a highlight
 time to go
 we changed clothes in the car on the way to church
and made it to sacrament in debbie's ward
i had to snap a few pictures afterward of everyone in their red white and blue
i made olive this dress using the same fabric i used to make her first fourth of july outfit 
when she was just a day old
 always posing..

 i guess they weren't feeling it
but they sure looked cute

 noah took our picture, too

that afternoon and evening we hung out at monica's for a joint birthday party 
for olive and ryan hoffmann
it was a lot of fun

it's hard to believe she's 6 and going into first grade soon
she is fun, loud, active and makes our lives full
we wouldn't have it any other way
happy birthday, olive b!

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