July 18, 2016

a little bit of fun and chaos while mom got ready for girls camp

 eleanor has been soooo busy lately
new art on her bedroom walls every other day
 henry's sure olive's doll scooter is for him
 wiped out after watching our 3 neighbor kids for the afternoon
 crazy eights
 hurt feelings that i went downstairs without him
 best friends
if they sit together while they eat they take so long because they're having too much fun together
 both boys playing baseball
 eleanor colored all over olive's brand new barbies one night..
 olive's six year old check up
 late night snack #pregnant
 i had no idea he was in the laundry cart until i walked by and he smiled at me
he thought he was so funny

 eleanor....sneaking into the candy with scissors
 her occasional afternoon naps are priceless these days
since she's so destructive in her free time lately

1 comment:

Tami said...

I was just like Eleanor at that age. I colored on everything