June 24, 2016


eleanor had a streak where she'd fall asleep every day
she's moved on to coloring her walls instead (pictures to follow)
 playing horsies
 i had a bit of a meltdown last week (on the verge of a panic attack)
thanks to girls camp
and maybe olive's birthday party and hazel's baptism coming up and being 6 months pregnant
with my sixth baby
but really girls camp
michael is sweet and took over the birthday and baptism responsibilities
and noah and the other kids couldn't handle seeing me cry (i NEVER do, especially in front of them)
they cleaned the house all morning so i wouldn't have to
and noah said things like, "maybe you could ask the bishop for a different job" and 
"you would do anything for us so we'll do anything for you. you should go rest"
sweetest kids ever 
between them, my sweet husband and my camp committee, things are getting taken care of
i'll be relieved when camp is over
 this kid made it all the way down the path 
while i was making a list of invites with olive for her birthday
he's pretty fast on his hippo
 the kids have been enjoying library movies in the afternoon while henry naps
occasionally he's awake to catch one
 i keep finding him playing in sinks
this time he said, "my hands is diddy"
 my bump and i took a bike ride visiting teaching
 once in a while henry lets me cuddle him and i love it
 i love them all lined up eating lunch
 we met friends at eagle island on monday
it was a lot of fun except henry had a near drowning experience 
and i had to run in after him

 i was so glad i was watching him and he was ok
we love this boy way too much to live life without him
 hazel was making eleanor her own book
it was very sweet
 these two went berry picking in our yard and then had a picnic under the plum tree
i'm so glad they're becoming better friends
 noah and hazel get invited for play dates and olive gets left out
so we had her friend rory over and they had a ton of fun together 
 twenty four weeks!
 eleanor's latest artwork
thank goodness for magic erasers..
 she's getting really good at writing "E" so that's something
now we'll have to teach her to use paper rather than the wall
 this girl is less than two weeks from turning SIX!
 busted playing in the sink again
this time he pretended he was just trying to brush his teeth :)
 bedtime cuddles with my two biggest kiddies
 waiting in line to do their bedtime pull ups
michael is up to twenty!

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