April 22, 2016

the rest of a good week, a date with olive and noah earned his bear

i cut myself some bangs on a whim
olive loves that we're even more identical now
 i love how good hazel is about practicing piano
she does it in the morning before school and after school, too
noah doesn't remember as often
 henry taught himself a new trick
he turned the bathtub on and got himself a drink
 hiding my bangs by day two :) 
 getting drinks before ballet
that bun on eleanor is my favorite but she hates it when i put her hair up
 i was feeling kind of down in the morning so michael offered to meet us for lunch
it was the perfect pick me up
cafe rio really nails it every time
 eleanor changes her outfits several times a day
i wonder where she gets it :) 
 sprinkler fun
they love using the slide as a water slide with the sprinkler

 pretty flowers from michael that have lasted a few weeks
 after school fun
i love our backyard
 trying to scare me
too bad they're so cute
 we've eaten dinner outside almost every night this week
including this fancy chocolate chip pancake meal
 i realized olive needs more mom time
and i need more time with her by herself
so after ballet we got frozen yogurt
 and a new water gun from target
i feel bad for olive. she is definitely the middle child and she needs more attention
than i can give her. one on one is perfect. we'll have to do it more
 eleanor picked henry's outfit out for me yesterday
long sleeve shirt, shorts, tall socks and a hat
 noah earned his bear at scouts
he's officially in webelos!!
 painting his face

 pinning my shirt (that i'd made earlier that day :)

 proud of this boy


Michelle said...

Your house and backyard are like a dream!

Monica said...

How exciting for Noah!
It's so good that you could recognize that Olive needs more 1:1 time and you gave it to her.