March 1, 2016

the last bit of february

we had michael's japanese friend from work (who's only living in the US for three months)
came over for dinner
so we had him try the trampoline for the first time in his life
 twins in the costco cart
noah is almost ten but sat in the front of the cart to play the phone :) 
 my hot date eating teriyaki on our bed watching blacklist
 the kids were pretty into the video the home teacher's showed them
 hen got a shiner in the hunt's backyard 
not sure what happened but it's pretty grizzly 

 cute (wild) kiddies during FHE last night
michael taught about lehi's vision
i loved watching hazel and henry during the lesson

 after FHE noah was asking about the differences between catholics and mormons
so michael was showing him on the chalkboard
and it enticed everyone to color at the same time

 i am so grateful for this family of mine
i was volunteering in olive's class yesterday when the school did a practice lockdown drill
i had no idea that they got in their cubbies and hid behind their coats and backpacks
or that they put a table in front of the door and the teacher grabs a baseball bat out of her closet
it was sobering for sure
it made me grateful for my children, that they're healthy and safe
grateful for teachers who not only patiently teach our children each day
but willingly put their lives at risk to save them if such a scenario arrived where they had to 
and i'm grateful for michael for working hard for our family and loving us always
here's to march!

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