February 18, 2016

president's day, the dentist and easter dresses

we didn't do a whole lot for president's day 
hazel kept wanting to play games with me 
but i was busy doing house work
and she was surprised at how much i do :)
we eventually played three games of go fish together
then we rode bikes to the park

 tuesday we took all five kids to the dentist
henry didn't love his first visit but they were all CAVITY FREE!!! yay!!! such a relief
 for being cavity free the dentist gave the kids free frozen yogurt gift certificates
 eleanor was devastated to not get seconds...
 henry loves to sit next to me and eat my oatmeal in the morning
 i made the girls' easter dresses yesterday and today
i love them
 olive finally mastered the monkey bars
 noah baked and decorated this cake for the cub scout blue and gold banquet
all by himself
everyone loved it and he was so proud


Tami said...

that cake looks amazing and delicious!

Natalie Smith said...

best reward for no cavities! we need that dentist. :)