September 14, 2015

our first homegrown watermelon

we decided saturday was the day to finally pick our watermelon
with our fingers crossed it would actually be ripe
gardening has been a lot of fun and a big experiment this year
we have successfully grown kale, lettuce, green onion, carrots, lots of cantaloupe, one watermelon,
zucchini, basil, one tomato :), and we have a ton of pumpkins coming
 there she is!

 seriously, best watermelon we've ever had
 we ate it with nachos on the back porch
 it's a good thing we have such a cute resident gardener here

 we love spending time together in our backyard
michael gave the kids airplane rides and they allll loved it
i love them all lined up waiting their turns
michael figures he'd better do it while he's still young :) 
i feel like he's forcing me to have like 12 kids because he's such a good dad
 trampoline time

 after some jumping i tried to get a family picture of us all laying down
i'm under henry :)

 we got one! even if henry and eleanor weren't super thrilled about it
i could not love this family of mine any more
yay for end of summer nights and homegrown watermelon!!


Christie said...

We picked out first watermelon WAY too early. We have a bunch more but now we're afraid to pick them. I'm glad yours turned out so delicious! Gardening is fun with kids. They get so excited about everything - even if they don't want to eat it all (Daphne).

Natalie Smith said...

congrats on a beautiful garden! the watermelon sounded delish!